Cancer's Birthstone Exposed

The Gemstone that Holds  Mystical Powers


Ruby Reigns as Cancer Birthstone

The sassiest birthstone, Ruby, claims the throne for Cancerians with its fiery spirit & captivating charm!

Cancer Birthstone Meaning

Ruby is believed to enhance the natural qualities of Cancerians, such as their passionate nature, strong intuition & unwavering determination.

Gems of Steel

Rubies have an exceptional hardness, second only to diamonds. These precious gems are as tough as they are stunning.

Starry Splendor

Rubies with asterism exhibit a captivating star-like pattern, adding a touch of celestial wonder to the gemstone.

Chameleon Charms

Rare Rubies can display color change, shifting between hues of red and purplish tones depending on lighting conditions.

Priceless Rarity

Genuine Rubies are rarer than diamonds, making them highly sought after and valuable gemstones.

Heavenly Whispers

Some ancient cultures regarded Cancer birthstone Rubies as fallen stars, captivating fragments of the heavens encased within the Earth.

Did You Know?

The largest Ruby ever discovered weighed an astounding 18,696 carats, equivalent to around 8.2 pounds! Mind-blowing!

The Chromium Secret

The mesmerizing red color of Rubies comes from the presence of chromium, lending them their radiant and passionate allure.

How Ruby holds the key to unlocking a transformative journey for Cancerians?

Discover the  7 Hidden powers  of Cancer birthstone

Ruby Elixir: Eternal Vitality

Some ancient beliefs claimed that ingesting powdered Rubies could grant longevity and vitality.

Mystical Intuition

It was believed that wearing the Cancer birthstone could enhance intuition and provide insights into future events.

Ruby's Fiery Love Spell

Cancer birthstone Ruby is considered to enhance passion and love, making it a symbol of fiery desire and deep affection. Ignite the flames!

Emotional Healing

The Cancer birthstone is believed to help individuals overcome past traumas, heal emotional wounds, and promote inner peace & stability.

Ruby's Protective Power

Cancerians who wear the Ruby birthstone may feel shielded from negative energies and psychic attacks.

Dream Manifestation

Cancerians can harness its energy to manifest their dreams and ambitions, providing them with the motivation and determination to pursue their goals and aspirations.

Passionate Bonds

Ruby is known as the "stone of love," and it is said to strengthen the bonds of relationships, promoting harmony, passion & loyalty.

Explore Angara's cancer Collection, offering a range of customizable ruby jewelry.