Birthstone & Zodiac

Astrological Benefits of Swiss Blue Topaz

By:  Myra S.


Before we get into the different astrological benefits of Swiss blue topaz, it is imperative to answer this one question- what is a Swiss blue topaz gemstone? To answer that most concisely for you- A Swiss blue topaz gemstone is a light-toned, light-to-moderately saturated, vivid blue topaz. Blue topaz, derived from the word “tapas,” signifies “fire”; thus, those with fiery tempers should wear it to bring about greater balance in their day-to-day lives.

If you picture a stunning blue diamond, a Swiss blue topaz will undoubtedly come to mind. Its gorgeous sky-blue hue is one of the numerous factors that make it one of today’s most sought-after jewels. In addition to having an unquestionably appealing appearance, this stone is incredibly tough, scoring an eight on the Mohs scale.

It is a gemstone that is popular for its vivid, clear, and bright appearance. There are numerous mining sites where you can obtain high-quality gemstones in well-known Swiss blue topaz-producing nations like Germany, Brazil, and Siberia.

Angara offers a wide collection of stunning Swiss blue topaz jewellery items that perfectly combine eye-catching design with top-notch craftsmanship. From elegant pendants and timeless bracelets to gorgeous earrings, studs, and rings, the options are endless.


There are different types of Swiss blue topaz gemstones, and each can be categorized based on factors such as colour, clarity, cut, and carat weight.

  • Heirloom (AAAA)- Only the top 1% of the scarce topaz stones fall into this category, which is eye-clean and bright. They emit a characteristic Swiss blue colour and are devoid of any visible inclusions.
  • Best (AAA)- The top 10% of topaz stones fall into this category. They also exhibit the eye-clean feature, which denotes the absence of any apparent inclusions. A light Swiss blue hue can be seen in the jewels that fall within this group.
  • Better (AA)- This group includes the top 33% of readily available topaz stones. They are a pale blue tint with little inclusions.
  • Good (A)- The top 75% of topaz stones that have modest to moderate inclusions fall into this category, which is a light sky blue.

Also Read: How Can You Tell if a Blue Topaz Is Real?

Astrological Benefits of Swiss Blue Topaz

Now, let’s shed some light on the several astrological benefits of the Swiss blue topaz gemstone:

  • This gemstone produces a soothing influence on the wearer with its lovely tranquil blue hue. It calms agitated emotions.
  • It eases physical and mental strain, allowing the wearer to unwind.
  • It aids in the discharge of fury, anger, and other negative emotions.
  • It is beneficial to express oneself articulately and clearly when speaking or writing, thus it is perfect for creative artists, orators, and writers.
  • It is an excellent stone for speaking one’s truth. It aids in self-expression and helps users become conscious of what they want or do not want.
  • Everyone already possesses some degree of psychic ability, but this stone enhances this ability. Tarot card readers and others who utilize other types of divination instruments for others have employed this gemstone to a great degree.
  • The gemstone is also believed to promote spiritual healing.
  • The stone is also known to treat throat and neck-related ailments. Additionally, it is supposed to help with vision and visual problems.
  • Anorexia, an eating disorder, and digestive issues are purported to be cured by blue topaz.
  • This gemstone works on the body’s meridians to direct energy in the right direction.

Also Read: London vs Swiss Blue Topaz: Which Gem Will You Pick?


When it comes to jewellery with birthstones, then it is hard to miss the resplendent Swiss blue topaz pieces made at Angara. While this gemstone is wonderful for those born in the month of  November, it can be used by others as well, as long as it aligns with their inner vibrations and planets. This fascinatingly lovely and joyful stone is seen as a representation of trust and hope. Choose eye-catching rings, earrings, pendants, and bracelets that are adorned with the stunning gem.


For which zodiac signs is Swiss blue topaz stone beneficial?

It is beneficial for Aries, Leo, Cancer, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Scorpio. 

What is a blue stone’s meaning?

Blue gemstones help attract abundance and bless the wearer with confidence and love. The most popular reason for wearing a blue gem is the calming effect it brings to the wearer besides protecting him or her from physical or emotional harm. 

Who should not wear Swiss blue topaz according to astrology?

According to astrology, people with Libra, Virgo, Aquarius, Taurus, Gemini, and Capricorn zodiac signs should not wear this gem. 

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