
Can Rose Quartz Be Worn Every Day?

By:  Myra S.


Gorgeous and oh-so-romantic, the rose quartz is one gemstone that’ll always make you weak in the knees. And while its beauty needs no advertising, a common question we get asked is whether or not this gem is fit for everyday use.

Want to know the answer? If yes, read on to find out.

Let’s Begin with the Basics…

As indicated by its name, the rose quartz is a type of mineral quartz that’s adored for its delicate hue and soft translucence. It can be found in multiple shades ranging from very light to medium-dark pink depending on the amount of iron, titanium and/or manganese present within its chemical composition.

Interestingly, the history of rose quartz jewellery can be traced back to 800-600 BC. The Assyrians and Romans were the first ones to use this gem and frequently wore the same to spotlight their style.


Did You Know?

That rose quartz beads belonging to 7000 BC were recently found in Mesopotamia (now called Iraq.) This suggests that the gems may have been used in jewellery even then.

The Main Question – Can the Rose Quartz Be Worn Daily?

With a 7 out of 10 rating on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, the rose quartz is a somewhat durable gemstone. Having said that, the gem can get scratched if accidentally knocked against a hard surface. Hence, while you can wear the jewel every day, it does require a lot of care and attention to remain in tip-top condition.

Real Rose Quartz FAQs

  • How can you tell if your rose quartz is real?
    The best way to do this is to view the stone under a 10x jeweler’s loupe. If you notice perfectly round bubbles just under the gem’s surface, it is most likely a fake. The main reason for this is that most fake rose quartz is made of glass and during their creation, small gas bubbles tend to get trapped within their structure.
  • Can a rose quartz be placed in water?
    While you can wash your rose quartz with a mild soap-water solution, we do not recommend leaving your stone in water for an extended period.
  • Can a rose quartz be clear?
    The rose quartz has a translucent surface and is therefore rarely clear.
  • Is the rose quartz a rare gemstone?
    No, it is not! As of today, the rose quartz can be found abundantly in nature and it is, therefore, one of the more commonly available gemstones.

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