
What Is a Commitment Ceremony and How to Plan One

By:  Jane Olagunju

Commitment Ceremony

So, you want to commit to your partner, but there’s a little hiccup. Maybe you’re not keen on going through the whole wedding planning process, or perhaps there are some legal hiccups with the church or state. If that sounds like you, then commitment ceremonies might just be the perfect way for you and your partner to declare your love and devotion to one another.

We’ll walk you through this promise ceremony, explaining what it entails, why it could be just what you’re both looking for and how to plan it to fit your unique love story.

Read About: How to Choose a Promise Ring

What Is a Commitment Ceremony?

A commitment ceremony is quite similar to a wedding ceremony, except that it’s not legally binding. At this love ceremony, two people pledge their love to each other, exchanging vows and rings. This ceremony can be planned much like a traditional wedding, or you can make it entirely your own, tailored to suit your preferences as a couple.

Read: Is It Okay to Wear a Promise Ring Before Engagement?

Origin & Meaning of a Commitment Ceremony

Commitment ceremonies are an informal alternative to weddings that have been around for centuries. Same-sex marriages are forbidden in many cultures and churches and even considered illegal in certain states.

Planning a commitment ceremony allows you to commit to your partner for a lifetime without worrying about the legalities. Many couples opt for this route to sidestep the legal implications of marriage, whether it’s to avoid taxes or because they’re unable to obtain a marriage licence.

Moreover, a commitment ceremony can also serve as a meaningful way to renew your vows, sans the stress and expense of planning a full-blown wedding.

Pros & Cons of  a Commitment Ceremony

Before you decide to jump in with both feet and plan a commitment ceremony, it’s wise to weigh the pros and cons to see if it’s the right fit for you and your partner.


  • Pledge your commitment: In certain parts of the world, a commitment ceremony is the only option for same-sex couples to express their lifelong commitment.
  • No paperwork: Say goodbye to mountains of paperwork. This ceremony is all about heartfelt words and requires no legal documentation.
  • Location flexibility: You’re not tied down to a specific venue. You can get married anywhere you want, even mid-air if that’s your style.
  • Personalization: Whether you want your commitment ceremony to mimic a traditional wedding or be unique, the choice is yours. Customize it however you like and include events that suit your and your partner’s preferences.
  • Budget-friendly: Say goodbye to wedding expenses! A traditional wedding includes paying for the venue, food, decor and several other things. A commitment ceremony, on the other hand, can be as lavish or as simple as you like, depending on your budget.


  • Not legally binding: While there’s less paperwork, that also means that there’s no contract that legally binds you and your partner. Legal marriage has its perks and offers protection, both financially and logistically.
  • Limited perks: Without a legal marriage, you may miss out on benefits like health insurance and tax breaks.
  • Potential disapproval: Not everyone may support your decision to forgo a legal marriage, whether it’s family, friends or community.

How to Plan a Commitment Ceremony

Once you’ve decided a commitment ceremony is right for you, it’s time to start planning.


The choice is completely up to you and your partner. Whether you opt for a local venue or a destination setting, pick a place that holds special meaning for both of you.


Send out your commitment ceremony invitations to as few or as many guests as you like. But keep in mind that the fewer the guests, the lower the cost.


Typical commitment ceremony activities include exchanging rings, reciting vows, sharing the first kiss and cutting the cake. However, feel free to customize the activities to suit your preferences.

One of the most symbolic ways to show commitment is to get a ring for your partner – especially one that fits their preference or holds significance for your relationship.

Read: What Finger Does a Promise Ring Go On

Commitment Ceremony Ideas

Here are a few ideas to inspire your commitment ceremony, but feel free to get creative and make it your own.


Feeling spontaneous? Pick a spot on the map and whisk yourselves away for an intimate ceremony. Or, if you prefer, extend a last-minute invitation to your family and friends to join in the adventure.

Adventure Time:

Plan an exciting trip for you and your guests, whether it‘s for a day or longer. Go on, create lasting memories that you’ll treasure for a lifetime.

Unique Traditions:

Break away from conventional norms and start your own tradition as a couple. Ditch the white dress for something that holds sentimental value, like the outfit you wore the first time you met. You can also swap the traditional wedding ring for ruby promise rings to symbolize your passionate love story or shop rose gold promise rings if a unique metal is what you’re after. The ball is in your court – enjoy and have fun.

Read: How to Give Someone a Promise Ring

Excited about planning your own commitment ceremony? You can shop promise rings for her and him at Angara. Browse through our exquisite collection of promise, engagement and wedding rings to mark your special day. What’s more? You can opt for our free engraving services and add short promise ring quotes on the band to take the personalization a notch higher.


1. How to plan a commitment ceremony

When planning a commitment ceremony, consider the theme you’re going for and whether you’d like to incorporate wedding traditions. Then finalize the location, guest list, and activities you’d like to include.

2. What is a commitment ceremony?

A commitment ceremony marks the uniting of two people. It’s similar to a wedding but has no legal status.

3. Why have a commitment ceremony?

There are various reasons you can choose to have a commitment ceremony, including legal restrictions on same-sex marriage, paperwork avoidance, vow renewal and personal preferences.

4. What is the difference between a commitment ceremony and a wedding?

A commitment ceremony is not legally binding like a wedding ceremony. Wedding ceremonies also include various traditions while commitment ceremonies are flexible and can be tailored to fit the couple’s preferences.

5. Can couples exchange rings during a commitment ceremony?

Absolutely. The exchanging of rings can be a significant part of the ceremony, though the decision is completely up to the couple.

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