
How Can You Tell If A Garnet Is Real Or Fake?

By:  Myra S.


Known for being the birthstone of January, the Garnet is quite a popular choice among jewellery lovers. Unfortunately, one can find several imitation pieces in the market today.

So how do you distinguish between a real and fake Garnet?

Let’s find out…

But First, What Is a Garnet?

Simply put, the garnet is a gorgeous gemstone that resembles the seeds of a pomegranate. It gets its name from the Middle English word ‘gernet’ which means ‘dark red’ and the Latin word ‘garanatus’ which translates to ‘seed-like.’ And while red garnets are undoubtedly the most popular of the lot, the stone can also be found in a variety of hues.

Do Green Garnets Exist?

Absolutely! There are currently two varieties of garnet that sport a green hue. They are as follows:

• Demantoid

Believe it or not, this gem is one of the most valuable types of garnets that exists today. It is a variety of the mineral andradite (a member of the garnet group). Demantoid features a unique light green hue caused by the traces of chromium present within its chemical composition.

• Grossularite

This variety of garnet is essentially a blend of aluminium and calcium. It can be further divided into three categories, two of which feature a green shade.

1) Tsavorite – This semi-precious jewel showcases an emerald-green hue.

2) Hydrogrossular – This striking gem is known for its opaque surface and greenish shade.

Do Purple Garnets Exist?

Yes, they do! Similar to green garnets, there are also three different varieties of purple garnets.

  • Almandine: Almandine garnets are crowd-pulling gemstones that are adored worldwide for their violet tint which is caused by the presence of aluminium silicate in their chemical structure.
  • Pyrope: One of the most common garnet varieties currently available, this gemstone typically contains either magnesium or calcium aluminium silicate. Depending on the specific blend, this gem can be found in several shades ranging from purplish-red to dark, blood-red.
  • Rhodolite: One of the most popular varieties of garnet, the rhodolite is desired for its luxurious purple-red colour.
Also Read: What’s the Difference between Garnet and Rhodolite?

How Do You Know if a Garnet Is Real?

One of the most common questions we get is, ‘how can you tell if a gem is real?’. Honestly, there are several ways in which you can cheque the stone’s authenticity. That said, the top three options are as follows:


• Look at the Stone’s Hue

Garnets are known for their dense, saturated hues. Hence, a great way to distinguish a real gem from a fake one is to look at the colour’s richness. If your stone is lighter, brighter or more vivid, then it may be a fake.

• Search for Impurities

The clarity of this stone greatly depends on its variety. Red garnets are typically eye-clean, except the Almandine garnet with asbestos fiber inclusions that give it a star-like effect. On the other hand, orange garnets are known for having many inclusions.

Keep these points in mind when searching for your gem. If the red variety has too many inclusions or the orange has very few, the gemstone in question might be a fake.

• Consider Its Reflection

The gem’s brilliance is one of its main USPs and is responsible for its growing demand worldwide. You can distinguish the real garnet from the fake by carrying out the following steps:

  • Hold the stone close to your eye.
  • Try to look through the stone at a distant light source (like a lamp, for example). You should be able to see the light being reflected off the inner walls of the stone.
  • Next, tip the stone on its axis and look through it as you did before. Here, the reflection would be visible in a rainbow pattern.

If you are unable to see the reflections in your stone, the gem is probably an imitation.

Tips for Buying Garnets

Imitation garnets can look quite similar to the real ones, and only a professional jeweller would be able to accurately tell them apart. Hence, when buying your stone, keep the following tips in mind:-

• Verify the Seller

Considering your lack of knowledge on the topic, double-chequeing the jeweller’s authenticity is a must when buying this gem. You can do this by looking at the brand’s website and verifying their uploaded certifications. Moreover, you can also follow this up by going through the comments on their social media posts for unfiltered reviews.

• Read the Return Policy

Getting your stone chequeed by a professional is a sure way to prove its authenticity. Hence, ensure that the company has a clear return policy that allows you to return the product if it’s different from the claims.

Should You Buy a Garnet?

We definitely think so! As touched upon before, red garnets are typically eye-clean which means that they do not have any visible inclusions. Apart from this, the stone is also known for its various physical and mental healing abilities such as improving blood circulation, preventing heart disease, dispelling negative emotions and increasing positive ones. These factors, in addition to the jewel’s extreme beauty, birthstone status and symbolism, elevate its appeal and make it one that you simply cannot miss.

Note: There is currently no scientific evidence that proves the garnet’s emotional and physical healing abilities.

Does the Garnet Make a Good Gift?

Yes, it does! Being the January birthstone, the garnet makes an exceptional gift for the New Years’ baby. What’s more, the stone (which is considered to be a physical representation of love) is also the celebration jewel of the 2nd, 15th and 29th wedding anniversaries. This makes it an uber-romantic present that your bae is sure to adore forever.

Where Can You Buy Garnet Jewellery From?

You can get yourself a stunner from our online store. At Angara jewellery, we house a variety of garnet pieces – each of which are handcrafted with high-quality materials by our expert craftsmen. Here, you can treat yourself to several styles ranging from simple solitaires to ornate vintage-inspired pieces. Apart from this, you can even customise your piece by choosing the carat weight, gemstone grade and type of precious metal used. It truly does not get better than this!

Have You Considered Getting GIA-Certified Garnet Jewellery?

A great way to ensure the authenticity of your garnet is to get a GIA-certified jewel. For the unaware, the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) is one of the best gemstone establishments in the world. It works to shield fine jewellery lovers and gemstone collectors from imitation pieces. The organisation does this by conducting a series of stringent evaluations on every gem that comes its way. The facts mentioned in the resultant certificate are 100% accurate and cannot be negated by any jeweller, anywhere in the world. By getting a GIA-certified garnet, you can rest assured that the stone in question and its correlating facts are legitimate.

With its prominence and brilliant hue, it’s no wonder that the garnet is sought-after. With the help of the above-mentioned tips and tricks, you are sure to get help distinguish a real one from a fake.

How Can You Tell If A Garnet Is Real Or Fake FAQs

  • What do garnets look like?
    While there are several varieties found in the market today, red garnets are generally described as translucent to transparent gems with a rich red hue.
  • Is the rhodolite garnet a real garnet?
    Yes, the rhodolite is a real garnet. It is a blend of almandine and pyrope garnets.
  • Is the garnet made of ruby and sapphire in real life?
    No, the garnet is a completely different gemstone.

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