Birthstone & Zodiac

Pisces Soulmate: Find Out Who’s the Best Life Partner for Pisces Zodiac Sign

By:  Sharlize Dsouza

Pisces Soulmate

Hey Pisces, be honest: How would you react if we told you that we know who the ultimate Pisces soulmate is?

Would you be eager and excited? Because we wouldn’t be surprised if so.

After all, trying to find your soulmate is kinda like trying to find a needle in a haystack. But boy, is it worth the search. And lucky for you, we’re here to help!

Unfortunately, while we don’t know exactly who your soulmate is, we definitely know which zodiac signs make the best life partner for a Pisces man or woman.

Intrigued and want to know more? Read on…

A Little Background on Pisces

You know how you’re always drifting off into those dreamy thoughts of yours? That’s one of your Piscean trademarks.

Ruled by Neptune, the planet that governs dreams and creativity, Pisces (February 19 to March 20) like you, are known for being dreamers. You always have your head in the clouds and when you get that distant look in your eyes, it almost always means that you’re on some grand adventure in your mind.

What’s more, you’re insanely creative, sensitive and artistic… So much so, that we feel almost confident saying that you’re most likely an actor, artist or poet. Of course, this may either manifest as a full-time role or a hobby.

Furthermore, being the ‘eldest’ of the zodiac, you’ve got this inherent wisdom about you. You’re great at giving advice without a hint of judgement which is why so many people love you.

Pisces As Romantic Partners

Pisces As Romantic Partners 

As a zodiac sign, you’re symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions. Interestingly, while these fish are swimming into two realms, that is reality and fantasy, they’re still connected by an invisible, indestructible string. Similarly, you look out for relationships that exist in multiple dimensions, bridging the spiritual and physical worlds.

You’re drawn to artists, dreamers and maybe even drifters who express their creativity through their music, dreams and romantic gestures.

That said, at the end of the day, you just love being in love. And nothing gets you going quite like boundless adoration within a relationship. Of course, you aren’t the typical ‘long stem roses/boxes of chocolates’ kinda romantic. In line with your vivid imagination, you’re more attracted to partners who are more inventive with their romantic sentiments.

Besides the above, you’re considered to be the most empathetic, sensitive sign of the zodiac. Whether you’re on a date at the movies, getting your hands dirty in a pottery class, or just grabbing a slice of pizza, there’s always this sense of spiritual awakening happening within you. This makes you a total catch IMO.

Did You Know? 

Aquamarine is the Pisces birthstone. This gemstone derives its name from the Latin term ‘aqua marinus,’ which translates to ‘water of the sea.’ And considering the fact that Pisces is a water sign and is represented by fish, it’s no surprise that this gemstone is associated with this zodiac.

Besides this, the stone is also used to symbolize loyalty. So, if you’re looking for a birthstone engagement ring that’ll win your Piscean’s heart, trust an aquamarine sparkler to get the job done.

Considering the above, we bet you’re wondering who the best life partner for Pisces is! Read on to find out…

So, Who’s the Best Match for Pisces?

Who’s the Best Match for Pisces?

Pisces, intuitive and compassionate, seeks a soulmate who understands their dreams and embraces their sensitivity. Cancer and Scorpio provide the emotional depth and spiritual connection that Pisces craves, creating a bond that transcends the boundaries of the material world.

1) Cancer

First on our list of Pisces soulmate zodiac signs is none other than Cancer.

Nurturing and compassionate, this sign fits like a glove with your sensitive and intuitive nature, forming a bond that words can’t even begin to describe. When you come together, your union is nothing short of profound and harmonious.

And honestly, this is only one of several reasons why a Cancerian makes the perfect Pisces soulmate.

Cancer and you share this deep empathy and compassion for others – A fact that makes it easier for them to understand you at a soul level. It’s like you’ll effortlessly connect, flowing together like water and understanding each other’s requirements without needing to utter a single word. Needless to say, this unspoken connection not only deepens your connection but also strengthens your bond. Here, the emotional connection that the two of you share is both genuine and strong.

When it comes to a relationship, the Cancerian has no problem showering you with all the love and care you desire, making you feel protected and secure. Not only that, but their nurturing nature brings out the best in you and definitely helps you explore your ambitions and desires.

But it’s not just about the feels, our friend. The Cancerian brings stability and grounding to your dreamy, imaginative world. They create a safe haven where you can just be vulnerable and express your emotions. And guess what? You inspire their creative side, pushing them to explore their hidden passions and desires like never before.

Together, you and Cancer aren’t just a couple; you’re an inseparable team, supporting each other through thick and thin. It’s like you’re on this beautiful journey of love and spiritual growth. Your relationship is the ultimate sanctuary where the two of you can truly be yourselves and find comfort in each other’s arms.

Trust us, it doesn’t get better than that!

2) Scorpio

Next on our list of soulmates for Pisces is Scorpio. And of the three water signs, this one is said to be your perfect match.


Well, to begin with, Scorpio brings this intense energy to the table that just draws you in. Not only are both of you mysterious but nothing intrigues the two of you more than mystery itself. This fact lays the groundwork for a fiery, passionate relationship we bet you’ll love.

But it goes beyond just surface attraction. The two of you understand each other’s emotions and desires on a whole other level. Trust, loyalty and passion are the pillars of your bond. And thanks to the intuitive and empathetic traits you share, the two of you complement each other beautifully.

What’s amazing is how you two can sense and anticipate each other’s needs without even saying it out loud. This profound understanding plays a huge role in bringing you two close to each other and creating an unbreakable bond.

Scorpio’s intense and mysterious aura captivates your imagination, fueling your creativity like nothing else. And their strong willpower? It pushes you to chase after your dreams and overcome obstacles. Now, if that doesn’t make the Scorpio the ultimate Pisces soulmate sign, we don’t know what will.

As a partner, the Scorpio is defined by their unwavering loyalty. They’ve got your back no matter what and will never fail to give you that sense of stability and security you’ve been craving. And you, our friend, shower them with love and tenderness, thereby giving them the emotional nurturing that they need.

Together, you and Scorpio share this intense, passionate connection that’s both intimate and emotional. Sure, you might face challenges along the way, but with grace and understanding, the two of you can overcome anything that comes your way. Plus, the two of you are deeply committed to each other’s happiness and are always ready to make sacrifices for the sake of the relationship. This makes you the perfect couple in our opinion.

Note: Remember, everyone is unique and while these traits can be interesting to consider, they might not paint the whole picture about the individual’s personality or how strong your connection to them will be. So, feel free to explore and understand the person beyond just their zodiac sign.

Shop Pisces Birthstone 

Looking for the perfect sparkler to make your Piscean heart skip a beat? Trust our aquamarine jewellery pieces to do the trick. Cheque out our top picks and grab your favourites now.


Best | Platinum | 3.10 carats

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We also have an entire collection of Pisces jewellery pieces on our website. From solitaire earrings to bolo bracelets, we’ve got everything you need to express yourself.

Not a Pisces? Cheque out all our other celestial jewellery pieces now and bring home everything that speaks to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Who is the perfect soulmate for Pisces?

While several zodiac signs feature personalities that play well with the Piscean’s sensitive nature, Cancer and Scorpio are undoubtedly the most compatible.

Q2. Can Pisces and Aries be soulmates?

Not typically, as they have very different personalities. This can lead to conflict in the long run.

Q3. Can Pisces and Taurus be soulmates?

Definitely! This is simply because they’ll balance each other out in a relationship.

Q4. Can Pisces and Gemini be soulmates?

Probably not, as the Piscean may struggle with the Gemini’s love for freedom. On the flip side, the Gemini may find it tough to manage the Piscean’s emotional side.

Q5. Can Pisces and Cancer be soulmates?

Absolutely! This is simply because they have the unique ability to understand each other and balance each other out.

Q6. Can Pisces and Leo be soulmates?

Not really, as these signs have extremely different personalities. As such, they’ll constantly need to adjust to stay in sync.

Q7. Can Pisces and Virgo be soulmates?

It really depends on whether the two signs are open to understanding the other person’s perspective. If they are, the combination of the Pisces’ spiritual water and Virgo’s practical earth could lay the groundwork for a thriving connection.

Q8. Can Pisces and Libra be soulmates?

Not typically! This is simply because they may find it hard to understand each other.

Q9. Can Pisces and Scorpio be soulmates?

Definitely, as these signs are quite similar.

Q10. Can Pisces and Sagittarius be soulmates?

Not typically! Here, the Piscean may seem too delicate for the Sagittarian. On the flip side, the Sagittarian’s blunt nature could rub the Piscean the wrong way.

Q11. Can Pisces and Capricorn be soulmates?

Considering the fact that these signs have complementary personalities, it’s no surprise that they’re considered to be soulmates.

Q12. Can Pisces and Aquarius be soulmates?

Probably not! This is simply because these two signs find it tough to relate to one another.

Q13. Can Pisces and Pisces be soulmates?

While two Pisces may seem like a match made in heaven, over time the trust that you have in each other may erode. As such, they aren’t typically considered to be soulmates.

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