Gemstone Education

How To Find Out If A Diamond Is Fake Or Real?

By:  Myra S.


They say that diamonds are a person’s best friend and rightly so. Their incredible beauty has captured the hearts of millions all over the world and it has earned its position as the most sought-after gem for buying diamond engagement rings today.

With diamonds having such a high value, it is no wonder that there are a large number of fakes popping up on the scene today. That said, with the right tricks and steps, telling apart a fake diamond from a real one can be done easily.

Step #1: Look at the Sparkle

To do this, hold your diamond to the light and take note of the color of its sparkle. An authentic diamond will have a white and gray sparkle inside while a fake diamond will have a multi-colored sparkle that closely resembles the color of the rainbow.

Step #2: Note How Long It Stays Foggy

Bring the diamond to your lips and breathe on it. Real diamonds don’t stay fogged-up for long. So if the fog remains for two seconds or longer, your diamond could be a fake one.

Step #3: Do the Sandpaper Test

Diamonds are one of the hardest gemstones present and will only get cracked or scratched by another diamond. Therefore, the sandpaper test is an easy way to differentiate between a real and fake gemstone. To conduct this test, rub the diamond with sandpaper. An authentic diamond will remain flawless while a fake diamond will be covered in scratches.

Step #4: Check If You Can Read Through It

An authentic diamond refracts light which will make it difficult to read any print through it. So place your diamond on a newspaper and try to read through it. If you can, it means that your diamond is probably a fake.

Step #5: Does It Have A Halo?

Using a penlight, shine some light through the diamond. If the diamond forms a halo around it, it means that it’s real. On the other hand, if the light shows right through to the other side, it means that the diamond is fake.

Step #6: Add Some Heat to the Diamond

An authentic diamond is not affected by heat while a fake diamond can crack when exposed to too much heat. So a great way to check if your diamond is real or fake would be to present the stone to some heat. A real diamond will remain unharmed while the fake diamond or glass will break.


And there you have it, we hope these steps help you. Remember when buying custom diamond jewelry, make sure to only shop from the best jewelry brand and get your hands on the Certificate of Authenticity.

Also Read – What Can Scratch a Diamond?

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