Gemstone Education

How to Care for Your Sapphire Earrings?

By:  Myra S.


Real sapphire earrings are a must-have in every jewelry box. If you own a pair, you’d know just how easily they elevate any look. Sapphire is a tough gemstone and requires very less maintenance, which means it is perfect for daily wear. But without proper care, this gemstone can get scratched and appear dull. To keep your sapphire earrings safe and shiny, here are a few tips you should follow.

How to Care for Your Sapphire Earrings


1. Gently Clean at Home

Cleaning sapphire jewelry is quite simple! If you notice dirt and dust on your earrings, clean the pair using a warm water and mild soap solution. Let us tell you how! In a bowl of warm water, add a few drops of mild soap and let the earrings soak in the mixture for a few minutes. Then using a soft-bristled toothbrush, gently scrub the earrings to get rid of grime set in the corners. Put them in a clean bowl of warm water and rinse. Wipe with a soft, dry cloth and let the sapphire earrings air dry for a few hours before you wear or store them back.

2. Store the Earrings Separately

While sapphire is a tough gemstone, diamond or other sapphire jewelry can scratch its surface. Therefore, it is advised to store the sapphire earrings separately. A velvet pouch or box will be perfect to keep them safe. Alternatively, you can wrap the jewelry in a piece of muslin cloth and keep it in a separate compartment in your jewelry box. Store the sapphire earrings in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat.

3. Do Not Expose them to Harsh Substances

Avoid going into the pool while wearing sapphire earrings. Chlorine and other harsh chemicals can damage the metal or the gemstone. It is also recommended to remove the earrings before taking a shower as the residue from the soap and chemicals in your hair care products can get accumulated on them. If you’re wearing the sapphire earrings every day, ensure you remove them at night and wear again the next day after shower.

4. Get them Professionally Cleaned

While cleaning your sapphire earrings at home will keep them looking shiny and new, it is also important to have the jewelry professionally cleaned from time to time. A thorough cleaning and inspection of the earrings will ensure both the gemstone and setting are safe and haven’t undergone a lot of wear and tear. This practice is recommended for all types of gemstone jewelry, especially precious gems. Professional cleaning once every six months is enough to keep your sapphire earrings safe.

5. Bonus – Additional Tips

Ultrasonic cleaners are not recommended for cleaning sapphire earrings. While sapphire is a tough gemstone, its natural features may change if exposed to high temperatures. If you want to keep your earrings safe for generations, rely on professional cleaning and simple warm water and soap solution when doing it at home.

Did You Know?

  • Sapphires belong to the corundum family. Rubies also belong to the same family; this is why the gemstones are often called cousins.
  • It is the second hardest mineral in the world after diamonds. On the Mohs scale of hardness, sapphire gets a 9!
  • Sapphires come in a rainbow of hues (except red). Those that are not blue in color are called fancy sapphires.
Also Read: How to Match Sapphire Earrings with Your Outfit?

How to Care for Your Sapphire Earrings FAQs

  • Can sapphires be worn every day?
    Yes, it is safe to wear your sapphire jewelry every day. However, be careful to not expose the gemstone to harsh chemicals. Protect your sapphire ring by removing it before doing household chores. If you have a pair of sapphire earrings, avoid wearing them in the pool or shower.
  • What can scratch a sapphire?
    Sapphires are quite tough and don’t get scratched easily, this is why they are one of the most sought-after gemstones. The only thing that can scratch a good quality sapphire is another sapphire or diamond.
  • Is sapphire expensive?
    Sapphire is a precious gemstone; this makes it costlier than other gemstones. But it is not as expensive as diamonds. A customized piece of sapphire jewelry starts from $250 and depending on several factors like gem quality, metal and style can go above $5000!

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