Gemstone Education

How to Clean Your Sapphire Ring at Home

By:  Myra S.


Stunning would be an understatement to describe the beauty of a sapphire. It is the most popular colored gemstone for engagement rings. Second to diamonds in terms of durability, sapphires have a rating of 9 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness; this means they demand very little maintenance.

However, the accumulation of dirt and grime can make any gemstone look dull over time. But that can be easily fixed by cleaning the ring at home. In this article, we will tell you how to clean a sapphire ring, when to avoid wearing it and different ways to keep it safe. But before that, let’s learn a few exciting things about your favorite gemstone.

Did You Know?

  • Princess Diana’s 12-carat sapphire ring, which Princess Kate now wears, is one of the most famous royal sapphire rings of all time.
  • Sapphires come in an array of hues. They are called fancy sapphires.
  • A rare variety of sapphire exhibits two different hues. It appears blue in daylight and bluish-purple in incandescent light.


How to Clean a Sapphire Ring?

Cleaning a sapphire ring is pretty simple; you don’t require special jewelry cleaners or chemicals. Simply follow the above-mentioned easy steps to make your jewelry look as good as new. These steps will work even for your highly intricate engagement and gemstone promise rings.

What Not to Do?

Each metal reacts differently to chemicals. Gold and platinum sapphire rings can be cleaned using mild soap and water. However, silver may not react well to water as it may corrode the metal. If you are unsure how to clean your sapphire ring, it’s best to leave the job to a professional.

Also, avoid wearing your sapphire ring to the gym, where there’s a risk of harsh knocks or blows. It may damage and chip the gemstone, or worse, if the claw that holds the ring becomes loose, you may end up misplacing your precious gem.

Tips to Keep Your Sapphire Ring Safe and Sparkling

The best way to keep your precious jewelry safe is by storing each piece in a separate section or velvet case. Storing them all together can harm the gemstone’s surface as some are tougher than others. It is also best to remove your sapphire ring before using hand sanitizer, body lotion, and creams. These products can quickly settle in the corners of the ring and leave residue on the gemstone, thereby making it look dull. Remove your ring before stepping into the shower, as the soap residue can also accumulate on the piece. To keep your ring safe and sparkling, take it off before going to bed and put it back on once you’ve showered.

Also Read: How to Clean an Emerald Ring at Home

Clean Sapphire Ring at Home FAQs

  • How often should you clean your sapphire ring?
    Sapphires are tough and durable gemstones; they do not get damaged easily. However, dirt and grime can make the best of gems look dull, and sapphires are no different. To maintain your sapphire ring’s shine and color, we recommend cleaning it every 3-4 months. Also, get it checked by a professional every six months.
  • Do hand sanitizers damage sapphires?
    Hand sanitizers contain harsh chemicals like alcohol. However, sapphires are highly durable; therefore, sanitizers will not affect them. But it may wear down the plating of the band, so it’s best to avoid wearing your ring while using sanitizers and other skincare products.
  • Can I use jewelry cleaner on sapphires?
    Cleaning a sapphire ring is pretty simple and does not require any special jewelry cleaner. Simply soak the ring in a mixture of warm water and mild soap to make it look new again.

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