Gemstone Education

How to Tell if a Sapphire Is Real?

By:  Myra S.


When in the market for a stone as famous as the sapphire, it isn’t unusual to come across imitation pieces. To ensure you don’t get duped, we’re going to discuss different methods that you can use to distinguish between a fake and the real gem.

  1. What is Sapphire?
  2. What are imitation Sapphires?
  3. How to Identify a Rough Sapphire
  4. How to Identify a Sapphire
  5. GIA-Certified Sapphire
  6. FAQs

But First, What Is a Sapphire?

Known as the birthstone of September, the sapphire is part of the precious ‘Big Four Gems‘. While blue is its most commonly recognized color, this stone can also be found in a variety of other hues, such as orange,  pink, teal, green and yellow. Blessed with eye-catching brilliance and excellent durability, the sapphire has managed to capture the eyes and hearts of royals and commoners alike throughout history, and even today. Unfortunately, the demand for this jewel has also led to the creation and distribution of imitation pieces.

What Are Imitation Sapphires?

As indicated by their name, they are stones that look identical to real sapphires but aren’t. In most cases, they do not hold much value and are less durable than sapphire.

Cubic zirconia, dark blue glass and blue spinel are commonly used to create these imitation gems. In rare cases, tanzanites are also passed off as sapphires. That said, unlike other imitations, this particular gem is quite rare and relatively more valuable.

Are Imitation Sapphires the Same as Rough Sapphires?

Absolutely not! Imitation sapphires are fake whereas rough sapphires are real unprocessed sapphires.

How to Identify a Rough Sapphire?

Identifying a rough sapphire is not an easy task and can take quite a bit of skill. Hence, we always suggest getting it checked by a professional jeweler.

That said, if you don’t have access to one, an easy way to do the same is to hold the stone under a lamp and view its color. For the most part, sapphires, especially blue ones, feature a steely gray undertone that sets them apart from other rough gemstones. In certain cases, these jewels may even have a slightly milky appearance.

As such, if you notice the same on your gemstone, it is probably a real rough sapphire.

Buy Your Natural Sapphire Jewelry

How to Identify a Sapphire?

Spotting the difference between a real and fake sapphire can be quite tricky if you aren’t specifically trained for it. However, the steps mentioned below are quite easy to follow and can help you identify if your stone is authentic or not.


• Look out for Flaws

An interesting fact about natural sapphires is that they tend to have foreign matter in them. They typically present themselves in the form of long and thin needles, light or dark crystals and feather-like inclusions. So, hold the stone against the light and look at it through a jeweler’s loupe or any 10x magnifying glass. If you can spot any flaws or blemishes within the stone, then it is probably a real sapphire.

• View the Color

Believe it or not, many fake sapphires present today have lead glass fillings. This typically results in an uneven color distribution that can affect the overall beauty of the stone. An easy way to spot this is to view your piece under a bright light (either natural or artificial). Needless to say, if you do notice uneven coloring, it probably means that your gem is a fake.

• The Fog Test

Sapphires are very good conductors of heat and therefore accelerate the evaporation of moisture. Glass, on the other hand, isn’t as good and therefore takes a long time to aid the evaporation process.

As such, a great way to distinguish between a real and fake sapphire is to breathe on the stone and track how long the fog takes to clear up. If it takes less than three seconds, it means that the jewel is probably real.

 Consider How the Stone Reflects Light 

Fun fact: The easiest way to distinguish between a real and fake sapphire is to consider how it reflects light. As touched upon before, the majority of imitation pieces found in the market today are made of glass. When interacting with light, this material refracts and disperses the same into several colors on the rainbow spectrum. As such, if you notice your stone reflecting light in different hues besides its color, it is almost definitely a fake.

• Search for Bubbles

Generally, the mark of an imitation gem is the presence of tiny air bubbles in the interior of the stone. To find this, hold the jewel under bright light and look at it from different angles through a jeweler’s loupe. If you see a single or cluster of air bubbles, it means that the gem is probably a fake.

 Try and Find Intersecting Lines

In certain cases, jewelers may fill a sapphire with lead glass to improve its look. You can easily spot these fillings by placing your stone under a bright light and searching for crisscrossing lines.

It’s worth noting here that these stones aren’t fake. However, they are of exceptionally poor quality and we do not recommend investing in the same.

• Ask a Jeweler

Even with the steps mentioned above, one can never be completely sure about the authenticity of the gemstone. We, therefore, suggest taking your stone to a trustworthy and reputed jeweler to get it checked. These professionals are highly trained to distinguish between a real and fake jewel and will therefore be able to guarantee your stone’s authenticity.

Have You Considered a GIA-Certified Gemstone?

Needless to say, the sheer number of imitation pieces being sold in the market today is no laughing matter. And that’s why we always recommend opting for a GIA-certified gemstone. Also known as the Gemological institution of America, the GIA is one of the most premier gemstone organizations in the world.

They work to protect gemstone lovers and collectors alike by putting every gemstone that comes its way through a series of stringent tests to determine its authenticity and grade. When you choose from our GIA-certified gemstone jewelry segment, you can rest assured knowing that the jewels’ authenticity as well as all the details mentioned in the certificate are 100% real.

How to Tell if a Sapphire Is Real? FAQ

  • How can you tell if your star sapphire is real?
    To do this, hold your gemstone under a flashlight and examine its star effect. If it looks too perfect, it’s probably a fake.
  • Are sapphire treatments common?
    Yes, most of the sapphires available in the market today have been treated in some way or the other to improve their color and clarity.
  • What percentage of sapphires is heat-treated?
    Roughly 95% of all sapphires available in the market today are heat-treated.
  • Are untreated sapphires more valuable?
    Due to their rarity, untreated sapphires are more valuable than the treated ones.
  • Do lab-created sapphires look different?
    No, lab-created sapphires and natural sapphires look identical.

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