Gemstone Education

What is the Best Way to Store Pearls?

By:  Myra S.


Pearl, the classic June birthstone, is immensely beautiful but delicate. This means it requires extra TLC and cannot be treated like any other gemstone. Proper care, maintenance and storage can help your pearl accessories retain their natural beauty for years to come.

In this article, we’ve shared some easy-to-follow tips that will help increase the lifespan of this gorgeous gem.

Care and Maintenance of Pearls

  • Clean every time: Always remember to wipe your pearls with a clean cloth after every use. This will help remove the oil and dirt that may have accumulated on the gem. Also, ensure that you choose a soft, lint-free cloth to prevent any unnecessary scratches.
  • Avoid contact with chemicals: It is highly recommended that you keep this gem away from sanitizers, detergents, lotions, cosmetics and perfumes. Even when you are getting ready, wear your pearls only after applying make-up, and once you are back remove them immediately.Since this is an organic gemstone, any kind of chemical can have the potential to cause irreparable damage.
  • Keep away from heat: Since pearls are obtained from organisms living under water, they absolutely cannot handle heat. It is therefore advised that you protect this gem from any direct or indirect source of the same. Keep them far from the fireplace, remove them while cooking or even when you are sunbathing.

Ways to Store Pearls

  • Store separately: At times, it may seem like a tempting option to toss the pearls in with other jewelry, but we suggest you don’t do so. This is because pearls are soft gems and can be easily scratched by other jewels if kept together. So it is better to store them separately and preferably in fabric-lined pouches to avoid any damage to their surface.
  • Let them breathe: While most gems need to be kept in a dry place, it is the opposite with pearls. If stored in airtight containers for long, the ultra-dry atmosphere may dehydrate this gem and even cause fractures on its surface. That’s why it is better to take them out from time to time and let them soak in some moisture.
  • Don’t store in plastic: If you have ever considered storing your pearls in a plastic bag or container then know that it is simply a bad idea. Rather invest in a velvet, silk or cotton pouch.
  • Don’t hang: A common mistake that many people do when storing pearl strands or bracelets is to hang them. This actually puts excess strain on the silk threads causing them to weaken and ultimately break. Instead, it is advised that you lay your pearl strands and bracelets flat.

Parting Note

Storing pearls need not be a tricky matter, but know that there is no single best way to do the same. It is better if you decide the storage option depending on the kind of pearl accessory you are dealing with and take it from there. Also, keep the above points in mind. These simple steps will help keep you precious pearls safe and secure for years to come.

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