Gemstone Education

How to Care for Citrine?

By:  Myra S.


Out of all the semi-precious gemstones available today, citrine is certainly one of the most stunning and popular ones. Its main USP is certainly the exuberant golden-orange hue, which makes this jewel look mesmerizing in all types of jewelry. So, if you are already a proud owner of this November birthstone or plan on purchasing one soon, it is essential to know how to take care of it. And today, we’ll help you with just that.

So, let’s get started!

First Things First, Is This A Durable Gem?

Citrine has a rating of 7 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. This means it is a considerably durable gemstone and can be used in a variety of jewelry. However, keep in mind that it still isn’t the hardest of the lot, and must be treated with proper care and love to prevent scratches or any other damage.

How to Care for Citrine Jewelry?

So, keep in mind the following tips to ensure your citrine continues to stay vibrant and beautiful for years to come.

1. Cleaning Method

If you’re looking for an easy DIY cleaning process that can be done at home, then follow the below-mentioned instructions.

  • Create an ultra-mild soap-water solution, and avoid using any detergent.
  • Soak your citrine jewelry in this solution for a few minutes.
  • Remove the piece from the bowl and gently scrub the gemstone with the help of a soft cloth. Clean the rest of the piece and pay special attention to every nook and corner as that is where the dirt and grime tend to get accumulated.
  • Rinse the jewelry well with clean water. Then dry it with a soft, lint-free cloth. Do not let it air dry as doing so may result in spots on its surface, especially on the gemstone.
  • Your citrine jewelry can be cleaned in an ultrasonic cleaner. However, in rare cases, when the gemstone is dyed or fracture-filled then this process must be avoided.

Note: Do not steam clean citrine jewelry as prolonged exposure to heat may damage the gemstone.

2. Storage Matters

If you store your citrine jewelry with other pieces, citrines may chip or scratch each other. So, to avoid this, before placing the citrine jewelry in a box, wrap it (and other jewelry items) in a soft cloth. Then, put them in velvet-lined or silk pouches to avoid any damages.

3. Wear it Mindfully

  • Always make it a point not to wear your jewelry while exercising, washing dishes, gardening, cooking, etc. Also, keep it aside before swimming, as chlorine can slowly erode the polish and finish of the gemstone.
  • Keep your natural citrine away from chemicals, such as hydrofluoric acid, ammonium fluoride, and other alkaline solutions.
  • After applying makeup and other cosmetic products, put on your jewelry to minimize contact with chemicals that may be present in those items.
  • Do not expose your citrine jewelry to extreme heat or sunlight, as this can cause the gemstone’s color to fade.

4. Seek Professional Help

For your citrine fine jewelry to remain timeless and brand new, we recommend taking it to a professional jeweler for a thorough inspection and cleaning at least twice a year.

Parting Note

Now that you know how to look after your citrine gemstone pieces, nothing should stop you from flaunting this gorgeous November gem.

Also Read: How to Care for Fire Opals?

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