Gemstone Education

How To Hide The Engagement Ring From Your To-Be Fiancée

By:  K. Roy


Found the perfect engagement ring for your girl, but want to keep it a secret till day you plan to pop the question? Now, this is certainly a tricky situation and finding the ultimate nook in your house to stash the bling away may not be easy. But it is nevertheless, part of the fun. Wondering where to keep engagement ring before proposing? Here are some fun and unique ideas you can consider…

Use her height to your advantage (if you’re the taller one). Slip the ring inside the pocket of an old jacket, and place it on the top shelf of your closet, where she can’t reach on her own. Another fool-proof hiding spot could be a pair of shoes you don’t wear very often. You can also choose your sock drawer as the perfect secret spot if you are confident that she won’t play detective and look for ‘important’ things in there or will be eager to do your laundry.

If you are still looking for other creative ways to hide engagement ring, consider unexpected spots in your home so that she won’t have an inkling about it till the end! Place it inside that flower vase filled with pebbles, keep it in your tool box or behind your personal collection of DVDs or vintage vinyl LPs. If you are too nervous about keeping the ring at home, you could ask your best friend or your family to store it safely.

Advancing from successfully hiding the ring away to keeping it with you until you propose her on the important day, is the next big challenge. Do you really want to present it to her with the ring box? If yes, you’ll have to think about how to hide engagement ring box and prevent her from noticing it before time. One way is to put on loose clothes such as cargo pants or a loose jacket with deep hidden pockets. The purpose is to cover up the bulge and avoid the ring box from falling out. If you can ditch the ring box, even better! Go for a pair of pocket socks and slip the ring in one of the pockets, you wouldn’t have to worry about losing it. She’ll love the surprise even without the box.

Have you planned a destination wedding proposal to Paris, Hawaii or an exotic locale she secretly wished to go to? You’ll need additional planning to get the ring through the airport security checks, into the hotel and until you let the secret out, without her knowledge. Make sure you carry the ring in your carry-on instead of your checked baggage. This way you won’t have to fear about losing it with your luggage.

If the ring is in your pocket, you will most likely set off the metal detector that can in turn, ruin your surprise, if she’s standing nearby. Pack the ring in the box it came in, but avoid wrapping it. You certainly don’t want to unwrap the ring box in front of your girlfriend at the airport security. You can attach a small note to the box with the message, ‘engagement ring in the box’, your secret may remain intact. Lastly, it would be best to propose her as soon as you reach the destination. This will help you avoid the anxiety of losing the ring. Moreover, it will be a proposal to remember with the rest of the trip to celebrate the occasion.

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