Gemstone Education

What Are Lab-Grown Diamonds? Everything You Need to Know

By:  Sharlize Dsouza


Picture this: You’re minding your own business, treating yourself to some much-needed digital retail therapy when you stumble upon the most dazzling diamond ring you’ve ever seen. You’ve already got your heart set on it but it’s the price tag that really seals the deal. But wait, is it really possible for a stone so huge to be so gentle on your bank account? With a lab-created diamond, it definitely is! 

Intrigued and want to know everything there is to know about the spectacular world of lab-grown jewelry? Grab a cup of coffee and read on. 

So, What Are Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Okay, let’s start with the basics. Lab-grown diamonds are exactly what they sound like: diamonds that are grown in a laboratory. No, there’s no mad scientist with a magical diamond-growing machine (though that would be cool). Instead, these stunners are created with the help of cutting-edge technology by recreating the conditions found deep in the Earth’s mantle, where diamonds are naturally formed. 

So, the next time you want to wax poetic about how your lab-grown diamond was made, you know exactly what to say! 

They’re Not Imposters; They’re Overachievers!


Now, we know what you might be thinking, “Hold on a minute! Are these man-made diamonds just cheap knock-offs of the real thing?” Oh, how wrong you are! These sparkly wonders are like the overachieving younger siblings of Earth-born diamonds. 

You see, lab-grown diamonds have essentially the same chemical, optical and physical properties as natural diamonds. In fact, they even have the same crystal structure. They’re carbon-based gems, composed of tightly-bonded carbon atoms, just like their Earth-mined counterparts. So, if you ever find yourself in a conversation with a lab-made diamond, don’t doubt its credentials; it’s a legitimate member of the diamond family!

Did You Know? 

In 2021, the Knot quizzed more than 5,000 engaged couples on their engagement ring choices and discovered that a whopping 86% of those lovebirds went the traditional route with a diamond center stone.

But wait, there’s more! In a twist of gemological fate, nearly one in four respondents decided to go full-on science fiction and snagged a piece with a lab-grown gemstone. Yes, you read that right—lab-grown gems are breaking into the engagement ring scene like a surprise cameo in a rom-com. And if that isn’t a sign to treat your bae to a lab-grown diamond engagement ring or a lab-grown diamond wedding ring, we don’t know what is!

History of Lab-Grown Diamonds


NGL, when we give people our typical ‘all about lab-grown diamonds‘ rundown, most of them are surprised by the history attached to the creation of these stunning gems. And honestly, we can’t blame them! 

After all, the story kicks off all the way back in the year 1797 when some curious scientists discovered that diamonds were nothing more than pure carbon. Armed with this newfound knowledge, they started the race to create the world’s first lab-grown diamond.

Throughout the 19th century, several scientists attempted to recreate the conditions necessary to grow a diamond within the controlled confines of a laboratory. And while many claimed to have succeeded, there was just one tiny hiccup – they couldn’t replicate their experiments consistently. 

So, when were the first lab-grown diamonds created, you ask?

That would be in 1952, when Union Carbide stepped onto the scene. Et voilà – The first man-made diamonds were born, and they were ready to shine. Well, figuratively speaking, in truth, they were relatively dull.

Of course, Union Carbide wasn’t the only one with their skin in the game. 

Enter H. Tracy Hall, a General Electric chemist with a twinkle in his eye and a mission on his mind. In 1954, he unveiled his own dazzling feat – ‘synthetic diamonds produced under a project codenamed ‘Project Superpressure.’ This project had actually begun in the 1940s, but World War II decided to play spoiler and postpone the fun.

But here’s the kicker: the first lab-grown diamonds were too small to use to be used in fine jewelry. And as for their quality, well, let’s just say they weren’t ready for the red carpet. They were more like diamonds-in-training…you know, still finding their sparkle. So, what were these teeny-tiny diamonds good for? Well, they were used for different industrial processes. Telecommunications, laser optics, abrasives – you name it and these gems were used to create it. 

As they say, “From failure often springs success.” And boy, was Hall successful! His misadventure laid the groundwork for GE to dazzle the world in 1971 with gem-quality stones. (And not that it’s particularly relevant to our story, but it’s worth noting that this was also the year that the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) published their first scientific study on lab-grown diamonds.) Talk about cosmic gemstone synchronicity!

Now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, these lab-grown diamonds were nowhere close to being ready for the market. They were often yellowish or brownish in color and had many inclusions. Naturally (pun intended), they didn’t quite hit the mark when it came to the color and clarity standards for white or colorless diamonds. But hey, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither were high-quality lab-grown diamonds!

As the years rocked on (see what we did there), scientists from the United States, Russia and China joined the sparkly circus. Slowly but surely, they figured out how to create lab-grown diamonds that could make Mother Nature herself green with envy. These gems began to exceed natural diamonds in carat weight, color and clarity. And it was at this point when they were considered fit for the market. 

What Are the Pros and Cons of Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Pros Cons
Cost-Effective  Perceived as Less Valuable 
Identical to Natural Gems  Lack of Historical Significance
Innovative  Potential for Synthetic Detection Issues
Modern Limited Rarity 

Pros of Lab-Grown Diamonds

1) Cost-Effective 

Lab-Grown Vs. Natural Diamond Ring

Why pay a king’s ransom when you can be the queen of savings? We know you agree! 

One of the biggest advantages of lab-grown diamonds is their cost-effectiveness. And in a world where saving is the new normal, these gems are a budget-savvy individual’s dream come true. (Yes, we’re talking about you!) 

Because they aren’t as expensive to produce, these lab-grown beauties let you enjoy the luxury of bigger, higher-quality stones without breaking the bank. What more could you want? 

2) They Could be Called Identical Twins

When it comes to natural vs. lab-grown diamonds, the differences between the two are quite minimal. 

After all, they share the same chemical, optical and physical properties as their Earth-grown counterparts, leaving even the most discerning jewelry connoisseurs stumped. It’s a bit like comparing two identical twins – one birthed by nature and the other by science. 

Can you really tell them apart? We think not! 

3) Innovation That Shines

Lab-grown diamonds aren’t just here to sparkle; they mean so much more than that. These diamonds represent the future of the jewelry industry, where innovation knows no bounds. As they continue to gain popularity, scientists are constantly upgrading the technologies used to further refine the diamond-growing process. 

It’s like watching a futuristic science fiction movie unfold in your jewelry box, with lab-grown diamonds as the stars.

4) Modern Marvels

In the ever-evolving landscape of the diamond market, lab-grown diamonds have branded themselves as modern darlings over the last 5-7 years. 

With the global lab-grown diamond market valued at a whopping $22.45 billion in 2022, it’s safe to say they’ve made their mark. And the best part? The market value is predicted to skyrocket to $37.32 billion by 2028. 

So, what’s fueling this meteoric rise? Factors abound! 

To begin with, the rapid decline in prices has made these gems accessible to a wider audience. Increased consumer awareness has piqued curiosity, while the rise in disposable income has fueled the desire for affordable luxury. What’s more, the younger generations (those stylish millennials and trend-setting Gen Z individuals) have embraced lab-grown diamonds as the embodiment of personalized fashion. 

It’s like they say, “Diamonds are forever, but so is individuality!”

Cons of Lab-Grown Diamonds 

1) Perceived as Less Valuable

One of the biggest differences between natural vs. lab-grown diamonds is undoubtedly their price point!

Lab-grown diamonds often find themselves in the unfortunate position of being perceived as less valuable because they don’t have a wallet-draining price tag attached to them. However, before you judge a diamond by its price, remember that these beauties are basically twins to their Earth-mined counterparts. The only difference is where they had their birth, and not all diamonds subscribe to the notion that location is everything.

So, next time someone calls your lab-grown diamond a ‘discount dazzler,’ just wink and tell them that good things come in all shapes and sizes, especially when they sparkle!

2) Lack of Historical Significance

Some diamond aficionados worry that lab-grown diamonds lack the historical gravitas of their naturally formed counterparts. Our hot take on the situation – Why resign yourselves to simply wearing history when you can be a part of it? 

Embrace the future with lab-grown diamonds and sprinkle your own legacy into gemstone lore!

3) Potential for Synthetic Detection Issues

While it’s true that some sneaky lab-grown diamonds might try to masquerade as their natural counterparts, with the right technology, telling the two apart is as easy as attracting Winnie the Pooh with honey. 

What’s more, in 2019, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission laid down the law – if it’s a lab-grown diamond, shout it from the rooftops! Transparency is the name of the game, and companies like Angara have your back by making it clear where your precious gem comes from.

So, when in doubt, do a little detective work of your own. Investigate those companies, Sherlock-style, by checking their ratings on customer review websites like Trustpilot. 

Rest easy, our friends; the gem world is safer than ever.

4) Limited Rarity

When it comes to the disadvantages of lab-grown diamonds, most people assume that the biggest one is the gem’s limited rarity. And to that, we say, “You can give your jewelry piece a one-of-a-kind feel” in many other ways. 

Enter: The magical world of customization! At Angara, we let you be the designer of your own sparkler. You can mix and match metals, styles and in the case of lab-grown diamond rings, even engrave your stunner for that extra unique touch. Why care about gemstone rarity when you can have a piece that’s as unique as your fingerprint?

So, there you have it: Everything you need to know about lab-grown diamonds. They’re bigger, as beautiful and most importantly, they’re budget-friendly. So go ahead, treat yourself and let your inner magpie shine brighter than ever before!

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