Gemstone Education

All About October’s Colorful Birthstones: Opal and Tourmaline

By:  Myra S.


Hey you, the October baby reading this, you’re truly lucky! Not only because you have a charming personality that can attract anyone (main character energy), but also because of your mesmerizing birthstones. That’s right, you’re blessed with not just one but two October birthstones — opal and tourmaline.

While opal is often compared to the rainbow, galaxy and even fireworks, tourmaline is popularly known as a ‘stone of mixed colors.’ It’s safe to say that both these gems are known for their eye-catching hues and astounding characteristics. Eager to learn more about your enticing birthstones? We’ll tell you everything, right from their symbolism and history to their benefits and fun facts.

But first things first. The primary birthstone of October is the Opal, so let’s start with that.

The Traditional October Birthstone: Opal

October babies, the gorgeous opal relates to you in so many ways.

Just like the opal is famed for its distinctive play-of-color, October borns are loved for their colorful personalities. Yep, we’re looking at you. You’re truly expressive with a wide range of emotions and interests to boot. Plus, you’re known for your harmonious nature, often seeking balance in relationships and situations. Guess what? The opal is believed to promote peace, balance and harmony too.

That’s not all, the October birthstone opal is also known to enhance creativity and imagination. And it’s no secret that October borns often possess a strong creative streak. Now for the best part — due to their unique patterns and hues, no two opals can ever look alike. Similarly, you’re truly one-of-a-kind!

Did You Know?

Opal gets its name from the Latin word ‘opalus’ which translates to ‘precious stone.’ Want to know more about this October stone? Keep reading…


The gemstone for October, opal, is surrounded by numerous folklores. Buckle up, you’re in for a mystical ride! The Aboriginal tribes from the Andamooka region in South Australia thought that the opal came from a rainbow and was brought to Earth by the ‘Dreamtime’ creator.

That’s not all, the ancient Greeks believed that opals were the tears of joy that Zeus shed after their victory over the Titans. Apart from this, the ancient Romans considered opal a symbol of hope, fidelity and purity. A fascinating jewel indeed!

Mining Locations

Currently, Australia is the primary source of opals, producing roughly 97% of the world’s supply. Other prominent sources include Ethiopia, Turkey, Honduras, Mexico and the Western US. What’s interesting is that only 5% of all the opals mined are ideal for commercial use (truly a rare beauty!).


Opal is a hydrated amorphous form of silica, formed through the hardening of silica gel found within sedimentary rocks. The water content of this gemstone can range from 3% to 21% in weight. That’s why it’s considered a mineraloid and not a mineral. When it comes to durability, opal has a rating of 5.5 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, which means it’s a relatively delicate gemstone. So, our advice to you: save your favorite opal rings, earrings or pendants only for special occasions.



Curious about the opal birthstone meaning? You’ll be happy to know that this October gem has been linked to a variety of positive attributes. Sound familiar?

Opals are also associated with balance and emotional well-being. Plus, they’re thought to stimulate imagination and open doors to new ideas and perspectives. So, if you’re looking for a creative boost, perhaps your opal jewelry can help you with that. What’s more, opals are known to symbolize truth, purity, fidelity and hope.


When on the topic of opals, it’s hard not to talk about their distinctive ‘play-of-color.’ This optical phenomenon causes the gem to showcase several patterns and hues when seen under light. No wonder, opal is often compared to rainbows and galaxies. Cue the dreamy sigh! After all, this gemstone can display absolutely any color on the visual spectrum.

Now that you know all about the October birthstone’s color, let’s see what’s next…

The Most Famous Opal

One of the most valuable and popular opals ever discovered in the world is the Olympic Australis. It was found in Coober Pedy (South Australia) in 1956 at the ‘Eight Mile’ mining field. This stunner weighs an astounding 17,000 carats and has an overall white background color.

What Are the Benefits of Wearing Opal?

Apart from its mesmerizing beauty, your birth month gem, opal, can benefit you in several ways. Take a look at some of the most important ones:

Creativity and Inspiration

Seeking some creative energy? Well, count on your opal jewelry to do the trick. Opals are often associated with inspiration and high creativity. So, wearing opals can enhance your creative thinking and imagination.

Inner Peace and Harmony

Opals are thought to promote emotional balance, peace and harmony. So, keeping an opal close to you is said to bring you peace and restore the balance between your body and mind. Just what you need to chase the blues away!

Personal Growth

According to believers, wearing opal jewelry can bring positive change and development to your life. That’s because this gemstone is associated with transformation and personal growth. So, get ready to embrace those new opportunities and embark on the journey of self-improvement. With some gorgeous opals along for the ride!

Invites Positive Energy

Want good vibes on your side? Well, opals are known to symbolize good luck and attract positive energy. So, wearing opal jewelry can bring you those favorable circumstances and opportunities you’ve been waiting for. Many believe it to be a talisman that protects you against negative energy. Definitely a lucky stone for October borns!

Important Note: There is currently no scientific evidence/data that backs the benefits of wearing opal birthstone jewelry.

The Best Jewelry Styles to Consider

When life (or in this case your birth month) gives you opals, you flaunt them! Check out some of the most popular jewelry styles that are sure to win you over.

Opal Halo Ring


Admit it, October babes, you love everything that sparkles and shines. Considering this, why not opt for a style that’ll always help you look brilliant? Yes, we’re talking about a halo ring. A magical opal surrounded by a halo of small diamond accents is perfect for you. BTW if you have your heart set on an opal engagement ring, it’s never too early to start giving your partner some hints. *wink wink*

Opal Infinity Pendant

Why not show yourself some love with an infinity pendant? Trust us, this jewelry style will definitely bring a smile to your face. After all, it represents unending love.

Opal Bolo Bracelet

October borns, you’re super fun, lively and full of life. So, if you want to flaunt your playful side, consider investing in a bolo bracelet. This jewelry style is quite versatile, you can either wear it solo or stack it with other favorites from your collection.

Yes, we know you’re already swooning, but we have more. Now that you know all about opal, it’s time to take a closer look at the October birthstone alternative.

The Modern October Birthstone: Tourmaline


Hey, October babies! Say hello to your second birthstone — the gorgeous tourmaline. Lucky you! Want to know whether or not this gemstone suits your personality? Then, hop on…

The October birthstone tourmaline is a beautiful gem that’s loved for its wide variety of colors. This diverse color palette reflects the multifaceted nature of October babies who never fail to impress with their characteristics and talents (we see you grinning away).

Plus, tourmaline is associated with protection and grounding. Similarly, October babies are known for their grounded and humble nature. Tourmaline is also thought to enhance energy, growth and vitality. And, October borns are often described as energetic and lively. You just have that zest for life! So, the verdict’s out: tourmaline definitely suits your personality.

Did You Know?

Tourmaline comes from the Sinhalese word ‘turmali’ or ‘toramalli,’ which means ‘stone with mixed colors.’ Want to know more about this gem? Scroll down…


Tourmalines have a rich and fascinating history that dates back thousands of years. Some believe that it was Dutch traders who discovered this gem in the late 1600s or early 1700s, off the West Coast of Italy. But, in reality, tourmalines have been around for centuries! Yep, your birthstone’s tale is as old as time. In the 1500s, a Spanish conquistador found green tourmaline in Brazil, which he mistook for emerald. After several such incidents, mineralogists finally recognized tourmaline as its own mineral species during the 1800s.

Mining Locations

Brazil is the world’s leading source of tourmalines. In fact, almost every color of tourmaline can be found in Brazil. Other mining locations include Nigeria, Madagascar, Tanzania, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and the United States.


Tourmaline is formed through a complex geological process that combines pressure, heat and chemical reactions. The unique chemical structure of this gem includes a group of closely related mineral species that share the same composition. Tourmaline has a rating of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. So, you can flaunt your tourmaline jewelry every single day (great news, right?).


For October borns, things just keep getting better. Since tourmaline comes in several different hues, each color also has a separate symbolic meaning (just adding more good vibes to your day). Go ahead, take a look:

  • Pink tourmaline symbolizes good fortune, self-love and compassion.
  • Green tourmaline is associated with abundance, prosperity and growth.
  • Blue tourmaline is said to promote clear communication and inner peace.
  • Black tourmaline symbolizes strength, spiritual power and grounding.
  • Watermelon tourmaline promotes love, empathy and compassion.
  • Rubellite represents love, friendship and optimism.

You just love this tourmaline birthstone meaning, don’t you? Well, take a minute to let it sink in and then, let’s move ahead.


You already know what color is October’s birthstone – it comes in not just one but many captivating hues. There are pink, green, blue, yellow, red, black and even multi-colored tourmalines. Even slight changes in the chemical composition can create completely different colors. For instance, iron-rich tourmalines are usually black to bluish-black in color, whereas magnesium-rich varieties are brown to yellow in color. Gotta love those minerals!

The Most Famous Tourmaline

Did you know one of the most popular tourmalines in history was actually mistaken for another gemstone? Yep, it’s true. The Czech Crown of Saint Wenceslas featured a large ruby, or so they believed, until a gemological analysis in 1998. The big reveal was that it was actually a large rubellite (the red variety of tourmaline). This is probably one of the oldest rubellites used in jewelry making.

What Are the Benefits of Wearing Tourmaline?


Wondering if there are any benefits to wearing tourmaline jewelry? There certainly are! We’ve given a shout-out to some of the most important ones below:

Emotional Healing

Want to relieve stress and anxiety? Well, tourmaline is thought to have a soothing effect and can assist in releasing stress, anxiety and emotional blocks. This gem is often used to promote emotional healing and a sense of well-being. The perfect birthstone for October borns, wouldn’t you agree?

Calming and Grounding

October babies, if you’re feeling a bit scattered and lost, wearing tourmaline jewelry can help calm you down. That’s because this gemstone is believed to possess calming and grounding properties.

Balance of Energies

Different colors of tourmaline are believed to have specific uses. For instance, pink tourmaline is associated with self-love and emotional healing, while green tourmaline promotes success and growth. The wide range of tourmaline colors can balance energies in different aspects of your life. Just the pick-me-up that October borns need!

Important Note: There is currently no scientific evidence/data that backs the benefits of wearing the October birthstone, tourmaline.

The Best Jewelry Styles to Consider

Want to know how you can flaunt your tourmaline birthstone in the best possible way? We’re here to help you out.

Tourmaline Solitaire Studs

Simple yet absolutely beautiful, this jewelry style is perfect for the October born who appreciates versatility. Whether you’re heading out for work or a coffee date, a pair of solitaire studs is all you need to make a lasting impression.

Tourmaline Two-Stone Ring

Did you know pink tourmaline is associated with unconditional love and friendship? So, if you want to flaunt your love in a modern way, a two-stone ring is simply perfect. Also known as ‘Toi et Moi,’ the name of this style translates to ‘you and me.’ Now, isn’t that romantic?

Tourmaline Vintage-Inspired Necklace

If you want to add some old-world glamor to your jewelry box, an elaborate vintage-inspired necklace is all you need. Stunning, dramatic and brimming with opulence, this jewelry style is sure to turn heads wherever you go.

What Are the Zodiac Gemstones for October?

There are two zodiac signs for the month of October — Libra (September 23 – October 22) and Scorpio (October 23 – November 21).

The Libra birthstone is none other than the colorful opal! Libra is an air sign that’s represented by scales, emphasizing a desire for balance and harmony in all aspects of life. Opal is often associated with balance and harmony as well. A match made in the heavens (perhaps gemstone heaven)!

Next up, the Scorpios! They’re blessed with the beautiful topaz. Scorpio is a water sign known for its intense and feisty personality. Similarly, the Scorpio birthstone, topaz, is a gemstone that exhibits vibrant and eye-catching colors. So, the fiery energy is a 100% match.

That’s all, folks! Now, all you need to do is refresh your collection with some exquisite October birthstone jewelry and switch on the glam.


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