Gemstone Education

Quotes That Will Prove Your Promise Ring Extremely Special

By:  Myra S.


In the regular transiency of life, love is the flame that never seems to get watered down. It burns with tremendous intensity yet keeps the warmth among the two people. While the feelings persist, expressing these feelings may not always be our best forte. When words fall short, gestures like gifting a loved one a promise ring seems like an apt decision. Promises, that come along with the promise ring, ground a relationship and make it stronger. Gestures like these make the person feel your love, but the communication surrounding this gesture is what seizes the moment and, consequently, the relationship.

Words, alone, are just empty promises. But when the words are filled and powered with your bestowed love and gestures, they act as a cornerstone of the relationship. After all, communication is the most challenging yet valuable asset of the relationship. To make your partner feel the love, construct messages that resemble and connect with them. Make sure your promises reign their trust. But before that, here’s what you need to do…

Choose the Best Promise Ring


A promise ring signifies something special and precious. For your partner who deserves the best, choose a ring that is most suitable and stands out in the crowd. Make your promise with one of Angara’s shiniest silver or gold promise rings for her. Your beloved partner will hold on to the precious promise ring and the beautiful promises made along with them. Jewels do speak their own language. However, give clarity and mention the purpose of giving the ring by avowing your feelings. These promise ring quotes will make it easy for you.

Make It Authentic


A promise ring enunciates the trust you two share. While giving her your testament to the commitment you have towards this relationship, you are setting the ground for a future both of you would share. Make sure it starts with transparency from both sides. Make your plans and ambitions regarding the relationship clear and listen actively to what your partner has to say. The promise ring is a vow to venture the next steps of your lives together – start with being on the same level of understanding.

“I picture my future with you on my side, are you ready to be a part of it?”

“Will you tread with me alongside as we figure out our lives?”

“Life throws a hell of a lot of curveballs, but I would not mind dodging them with you.”

“I promise to be there when you wake up with snots and the times when you dazzle everything up.”

“This ring promises I will be there to clap for you and celebrate your best works and critique your work-in-progresses. We are a team.”

Also Read: How Many Rings Are There in a Romantic Relationship?

Promises That Enshrine Monogamy


Make your love feel the joy of being exclusive and the one and only. Present the promise ring to her with the assurance of being with her forever and always. The promise ring not only shows how committed you are to your partner but it is indicative of a choice you make, or rather, both make, for a life together. Make sure the ring you choose is as unique as her and the bond you share together. Here are some quotes to express your true love and commitment.

“I promise to be by your side until your last breath.”

“You are my one and only, and will remain so – ‘til death do us apart.”

“I see with my eyes to look for you everywhere, my search begins and ends with you.”

“For your eyes only, I gave you my heart.”

“I cannot wait to grow old with you and watch every sunset of my life with you. I promise to be there.”

Also Read: Is It the Right Time to Buy Your Partner a Promise Ring?

A Promise to Keep for Long-Distance Lovers


Sometimes, a promise can be as reassuring as being present with your partner, physically. However, distance can sometimes be emotionally exhausting and disappointing – but your true love has all the strength it needs to withstand the effects of distance. Let a precious promise ring substantiate the love that would never die out of physical distance. Check out these promise ring quotes to make your gesture more meaningful.

“The miles are but numbers that can be counted, the magnitude of my love for you is not to be counted but delved in.”

“I promise to call you every day, honestly, the calls would not even come close to the countless times you have crossed my mind.”

“I promise to send you the pictures of everything I find fascinating, I cannot wait to see the world with you!”

“Let the ring feel your veins for as long as I am away. I will hold your hand in my tightest grip and never let you go.”

Also Read: How to Wear Promise Rings After Engagement?

Get Artistic

Telling them about how you feel is simply not enough, right? The words do not seem to compensate for all the multitudes of feelings. Go about the old way. Indulge in all the promise ring quotes and express your heart out by writing a handwritten letter with the promise ring. You may also ignite the passion by writing a song for your partner, describing all the things you love about them. You can also try to indulge your partner by recreating their favorite love song. Reciting a romantic poem is a wonderful idea – take note of your partner’s favorites. Love has no end – the same way it is with the way of expressing the commitment of love. Here are a couple of quotes to add to your sweet gesture –

“You bring out the best in me, I never know what I would do without you.”

“The promise ring is a sign of eternity. It is a reminder of our love that has no end to it. So, here’s putting a ring to it.”

“Our love has got to see every up and down of our lives, here’s promising you to be there for the rest of life’s ups and downs!”

“We have been each other’s confidante for so long, I cannot think of doing anything without telling it to you.”

Also Read: Promise Rings vs Engagement Rings

A Promise for a Better Life

Not every promise has to be something giddily romantic. For a happy and healthy relationship, it is important to be the best version of each other. You may gift a promise ring to your partner as an excuse to better yourself. The ring would act as a token of remembrance of quitting a bad habit. You may gift each other promise rings for planning on leaving bad habits together. After all, love is about growing and glowing together, all the way!

“I would never smoke from this day on. Let this promise ring be the testament to that.”

“I would wake up early every morning and go for a run, I would keep my diabetes in check.”

“I promise to keep a check on my screen time, and go to bed early… for the rest of my life with you.”

Also Read: Guide to Choosing the Best Gemstone for Your Promise Rings

A Token of a Long-Term Relationship

Marriage might not be the first priority on both of your minds and that’s okay. In this fast-paced world, take your own time to figure out life and your own selves as you unravel those by living every moment. No matter what, the bonds you both share are not bound by the societal labels. However, the bustling peer pressure that revolves around can make your partner feel left out and stranded in the crowd. To make your partner feel distinguished and secure and have the confidence in you – you could use a significant promise ring. Let the beautiful promise ring be touched upon the skin of your beloved and make a statement of your everlasting love story. These quotes will be the perfect accompaniment…

“Instead of signing the papers… for now, I want to signify my love with these darling jewels of this promise ring.”

“Unlike the regular lovers, we get an extended fairy tale: an extra phase where I get to make an ardent promise to you and keep it, until we get married.”

“Wife or not, societal labels do not nearly come to be as important as my wish to keep you happy forever. You are my soulmate.”

A promise ring solidifies what you two already have. The ring is a symbol of the care, affection, warmth, and security of your relationship. Cherish the moment with your most spontaneous self so that every moment brings out your effortless self. Let your partner love the more of you.

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