Gemstone Education

All About September’s Gorgeous Birthstones: Sapphire and Moonstone

By:  Myra S.


Quick, put a finger down if you’re sophisticated, strong and wise beyond your years. Did you put your finger down? If so, we bet you’re a September born.

Fun and oh-so-smart, fall babies like you have everything going for them. So, it’s probably no surprise that the official September birthstones are two of the best on the market – Sapphire and Moonstone. And between you and us, we think that they’re the perfect fit for your ultra-unique personality.

Want to know more about the gemstones for September and why they’re your ultimate sparkle match? Grab your comfiest chair and scroll on.

Since we love going in order, let’s get the ball rolling with the primary birthstone of September: Sapphire.

The Spectacular September Birthstone: Sapphire

NGL, the biggest similarity between the sapphire birthstone and you are your gorgeous good looks. After all, no one can steal the spotlight the way you two can. And luckily for you, the similarities don’t stop there…

For centuries, people have associated sapphire’s rich blue hue with royalty and romance. And considering your forever elegant personality and love for all things romance, we couldn’t have settled on a better match for you. Furthermore, this September stone is traditionally used to symbolize faithfulness, truth and sincerity. So, if you want your gem to showcase your values, you know which one to flaunt.

 Did You Know?

Some sapphires, also known as star sapphires, showcase an eye-catching optical phenomenon called asterism. It’s caused by small needle-like inclusions in the gem, which make the light reflect in a rather unique way, causing a star-like pattern to form on the stone’s surface. Isn’t that amazing?


This September gem has been enchanting hearts for centuries with its classic allure and legendary tales. From ancient Rome to Greece, sapphires were adored by the royal audience, including kings and queens. They were treasured for their captivating beauty and believed to possess mystical properties that could ward off evil spirits and envy and bring prosperity and blessings.

Notably, sapphires held diverse significance beyond just their beautiful colors. Early Buddhists found a spiritual symbolism and believed that sapphire helped them stay calm, thereby improving focus during prayer and meditation. Hindus embraced the gem’s powerful astrological influences and used it in temples for worship. Early Christian monarchs used sapphires for protection. They wore rings studded with these stunning gems to keep the stone always close to them (talk about fashion and safety all in one). Sapphire’s history is renowned in all cultures and that is what makes it a gem of a stone!

Mining Locations

Sapphires can be found in various corners of the globe. They are commonly mined in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tanzania, Madagascar, Nigeria, Kenya and Australia.


With a hardness rating of 9 on the Mohs scale, sapphires are renowned for their exceptional durability, coming in right after diamonds. And so, these vibrant gems are ideal for daily wear, therefore, making sapphire engagement rings an ideal choice for most couples.



Wondering what’s your sapphire birthstone meaning? This gem symbolizes truth, loyalty and wisdom, making it a fitting birthstone for the super intelligent and faithful September borns. Associated with inner peace, sapphire is believed to bring harmony and serenity to those who wear the gem. Its deep blue hue evokes a sense of calm and tranquility, acting as a soothing influence in turbulent times.


This gemstone for September is best known for its captivating blue color. However, sapphires can also be found in every color of the rainbow except red. Some of the most coveted colors today include pink, yellow, orange, green and teal.

The Most Famous Sapphire

The most famous sapphire would definitely be the Logan Sapphire, a stunning 422.99-carat blue stunner. This legendary gemstone, now housed at the Smithsonian, is the largest set gem in the National Gem Collection and the second largest faceted sapphire in the world. Its pure medium-blue color and excellent clarity instantly catch the eye and make it totally worth the fame it has earned through years.

What Are the Benefits of Wearing Sapphire?


Looking for a reason to invest in sapphire jewelry? Well, this lucky stone for September borns is believed to have a number of benefits such as:

Brings Serenity

Sapphire is like a soothing spa day for your soul, bringing tranquility and calmness to your hectic life. It’s your little gem guru, helping you find inner peace amid the chaos.

Love Magnet

Want to level up your romance game? Sapphire has got your back! It’s like a love potion in gem form, attracting true love and deepening the bonds of existing relationships. Get ready for some serious heart-fluttering moments!

Improves Physical Health

Wearing the September birthstone sapphire is said to keep your physical health in check. This pretty gem is believed to aid in digestion and maintain the right balance in your vital organs. It’s also said to purify your internal system.

Prosperity Partner

Say hello to abundance and prosperity with sapphire as your trusty friend. It’s like a lucky charm for your bank account, attracting wealth and success. Get ready to make it rain, both literally and metaphorically!

Important Note: There is currently no scientific evidence/data that backs the benefits of wearing sapphire jewelry.

The Best Jewelry Styles to Consider

We know sapphire is an amazing birthstone for September borns. But which jewelry style would suit you the best? Check out our top recommendations.

Sapphire Solitaire Necklace

Make a statement with a solitaire sapphire necklace that steals the spotlight. This timeless style will adorn your neckline with its classic allure, exuding nothing but elegance.

Sapphire Drop Earrings

Elevate your ear game with a pair of drop sapphire earrings. We promise they will frame your face with a touch of mystique and charm.

Sapphire Bracelets

Whether it’s a delicate chain bracelet or an elaborate tennis-style piece, the deep blue hues of sapphire will add a pop of color and a dash of luxury to your ensemble. Let your inner fashionista shine as you rock this exquisite piece of jewelry.

The Alternative September Birthstone: Moonstone


Now that you know everything that makes sapphire special, let’s move on to the September birthstone alternative: Moonstone. Amazing in its own right, moonstone is adored for its adularescence, that is, an enchanting optical illusion that gives the appearance of the moon lying still under the water. Cue the dreamy sigh!

And believe it or not, that little fact isn’t the only thing that makes this gem the perfect companion for your inner romantic. It’s also known for its association with fertility, love and passion. So, if you’re in the mood to wear your heart on your sleeves (and being a September baby, we already know you always are), this darling stone is guaranteed to get the job done.

Did You Know?

Moonstone got its name due to its mesmerizing moon-like shimmer. Legend has it that this magnificent gem has some mystical powers and is also a symbol of good luck.


It was long back when a mystical gem emerged, known as moonstone. Its genesis lies in the captivating tales of moonbeams crystallizing into solid form, a lore echoing through Hindu mythology. Legends spun a web around it; a curious belief even claimed that holding a moonstone in your mouth during a full moon could reveal glimpses of the future.

The moonstone birthstone weaved its magic through history, cherished by cultures around the world. The Greeks, with a touch of poetic fusion, gave it the name ‘Aphroselene,’ merging the goddess of love (Aphrodite) and the moon (Selene). While the Romans believed that the gem exhibits the persona of their moon goddess, Diana. Isn’t it fascinating?

Today, moonstone continues to be treasured as the beloved birthstone for September and is used in fine jewelry.

Mining Locations

Moonstone is mined in several locations around the world. These include India, Sri Lanka, Japan, Brazil, Australia, Austria and the United States.


Moonstone belongs to the feldspar mineral group. Known for its adularescence, this gem dances with a magical glow that seems to float beneath its surface. Also, moonstone ranks 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness, which makes it fairly durable. However, it’s better to preserve this gem for special occasions and show it some TLC from time to time.


Want to know what’s your moonstone birthstone meaning? Well, this gem has long been steeped in symbolism, representing feminine energy and divine connection to the moon. It’s a talisman of new beginnings, love and relationships. Moreover, its gentle energy resonates with balance, harmony and intuition.


This September birthstone color usually appears milky white. However, moonstones can also be colorless. Moreover, you’ll also find the gem in different body colors (background hue) like brown, yellow, green, black and gray. But what takes the spotlight is the gem’s vivid adularescence, the moon-like sheen that makes it so popular.

The Most Famous Moonstone Variety

One of the most celebrated moonstone specimens is the famous rainbow moonstone found only in Sri Lanka. This exquisite variety showcases a captivating soft, blue luster and a remarkable dispersion of shimmer. Its beauty has captured the hearts of gem enthusiasts, making it highly sought-after and valuable.

What Are the Benefits of Wearing Moonstone?


Many people believe that wearing this gemstone for September borns can actually benefit you in a variety of ways. Here are a few of them:

Love and Relationships

This gorgeous gem is said to help in nurturing relationships with utmost love and care. It also symbolizes loyalty, one of the most important factors for a healthy partnership.

Intuition and Divine Wisdom

Moonstone is a stone of intuition and divine wisdom. It enhances psychic abilities and intuition, allowing the wearer to tap into their inner wisdom and make decisions with clarity and confidence.

Nurturing and Feminine Energy

Moonstone is associated with the divine feminine energy, fostering nurturing qualities and promoting a deep connection with one’s emotions. It encourages compassion, empathy and understanding, both towards oneself and others.

Important Note: There is currently no scientific evidence/data that backs the benefits of wearing moonstone jewelry.

The Best Jewelry Styles to Consider

What are the best jewelry styles that’ll go well with your September birthstone moonstone, you ask? Here goes…

Moonstone Pendant Necklaces

Adorn your neckline with a stunning moonstone pendant necklace. The ethereal glow of this gem will grab attention and add a touch of mystical charm to your outfit. Choose a delicate chain or a bold statement piece to suit your personal style.

Moonstone Stud Earrings

Enhance your earlobes with the subtle elegance of moonstone stud earrings. These will add a touch of sophistication to any ensemble, whether it’s for a casual day out or a special occasion.

Moonstone Bracelets

Wrap your wrist with the enchanting beauty of a moonstone bracelet. The shimmering stones will create a mesmerizing effect as they catch the light. Opt for a simple bracelet or go for a stylish look by stacking a few of your favorites together.

What Are the Zodiac Gemstones for September?

There are two zodiac signs that fall under the month of September – Virgo (August 23 – September 22) and Libra (September 23 – October 22). The Virgo birthstone is none other than sapphire. It very well mirrors the sophistication, calm aura and wisdom of the Virgo babies. Now coming to Librans, they’re blessed with the stunning opal. This gemstone is desired by many for its mesmerizing play-of-color. And considering the Librans’ admiration for everything exquisite, opal is thought to be the perfect Libra birthstone!

So, embrace your birth month gemstones and treat yourself to beautiful September birthstone jewelry. Trust us, all eyes will be on you!


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