Engagement & Wedding

6 Unique Wedding Traditions from Around the World

By:  Jane Olagunju

wedding tradition

We often take the traditional wedding ceremonies we grow up with for granted, perceiving them as ordinary due to their familiarity. However, when we encounter different bridal traditions or groom’s traditions, we start to notice and value the uniqueness of our own traditions.

There are various historical wedding practices from around the world, each marked by their own uniqueness. From the tradition of wearing white at Western weddings to localized customs like serenades outside the bride’s window or the German tradition of smashing porcelain, let’s explore some of the fascinating cultural wedding traditions across the globe.

6 Historic & Modern Wedding Traditions

These historical wedding practices originate from different parts of the world and involve the bride, the groom, or both engaging in certain rituals that are significant to their culture.

1. American Wedding Traditions

In American wedding traditions, the bride wearing white, a practice popularized by Queen Victoria in the mid-1800s England, remains a cherished custom. But following the rise of modern wedding traditions, some women have put their own spin by wearing off-white or adding a colorful accessory to their wedding outfit. Other traditions include the first dance, the wedding processional, the wedding party, the cutting of the wedding cake, and the rice toss.

2. Egyptian Wedding Traditions

Although arranged marriages are less common nowadays, they are still a part of some Egyptian communities. The Egyptian wedding traditions involve a marriage agreement between the two families, which includes the mahr and shabka. The mahr is a sum of money that the groom-to-be pays to the girl’s family, while shabka is a tradition where the groom gives jewelry to his wife-to-be. The engagement party and henna night are also significant traditions in Egyptian weddings.

3. German Wedding Traditions

The Polterabend, also known as polter night, is a German wedding tradition that occurs before the wedding and has been around for centuries, even before the Christian era. During this wedding ceremony ritual, family and friends come together and smash porcelain and stoneware (but never glassware) to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck to the soon-to-be-wed couple. The married couple then work together to clean up the broken pieces, symbolizing that they are capable of handling any obstacles life may throw their way. Fascinating, right?

4. Greek Wedding Traditions

In certain regions of Greece, there is a Greek wedding tradition where the groom gifts the bride her wedding shoes. The Koumbaro, who is usually the best man or sponsor, delivers the shoes to her while she gets ready. The shoes are then filled with money after the bride insists that they’re too big. Finally, the unmarried bridesmaids write their names on the bottom of the shoe, with the belief that those whose names wear off by day’s end will be married soon.

5. Italian Wedding Traditions

In Italy, wedding bands are called ‘fede,’ which means faith in Italian. The exchange of rings is considered one of the most beautiful and emotional Italian wedding traditions, owing to the symbolism of the ring. It signifies the bond between the couple and their love and commitment to each other. Traditionally, couples wear this ring on the ring finger of their left hand because it’s believed to be connected to the heart by the vena amoris or ‘vein of love’.

6. Irish Wedding Traditions

The Irish wedding tradition of handfasting, also known as tying the knot, originated over  2000 years ago in Celtic cultures. It’s a ritual that allows the couple to live together for a maximum of one year and one day. If they find themselves incompatible, they can easily separate. The handfasting tradition is still practiced and much preferred over the unity candle ceremony. During the ceremony, the couple’s hands are bound together by the officiant with a cord or ribbon while they exchange their vows.

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1. What are wedding traditions?

Wedding traditions involve customs that the bride, groom, and at times, their families and friends perform during the wedding ceremony.

2. Why are wedding traditions important?

Wedding traditions are a great way to honor cultural or religious beliefs and family traditions that have been passed down for generations.

3. What are some common wedding traditions?

Some common wedding traditions include the bride wearing white, wearing the ring on the left hand, hosting bridal showers and exchanging rings.

4. How do wedding traditions vary across cultures and religions?

Wedding traditions differ widely across cultures and religions. The significance of marriage, as well as the customs and beliefs of the local community, play a major role in shaping these traditions.

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