Gemstone Education

What Can Scratch a Diamond?

By:  Myra S.


With a rating of 10 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, the diamond is one of the toughest, naturally occurring substances known to mankind. But is there anything that can possibly scratch this indestructible jewel?

Read this article to find out!

A Bit of Background

Strong and beautiful, diamond is the only gemstone in the world that is created from a single element – carbon. Depending on its hue, this gem can fall into one of the following two categories…

  • White Diamond: This is the rare and more valuable of the two variations. These diamonds are colorless in nature.
  • Fancy Color Diamond: These diamonds are slightly more affordable than the white/colorless ones. Fancy color diamonds can be found in several hues, including brown, yellow, red, pink, yellow, purple, blue, black and green.

While these diamonds may differ in color, they do have similar USPs, such as eye-catching brilliance and impressive durability. So the sheer color variety means that there’s always a perfect diamond for everyone!

Back to the Main Question, Can Anything Scratch It?

Yes, other diamonds can.

An interesting fact about this gemstone is that it is sturdy enough to bear the brunt of daily life. The only time a diamond can potentially get scratched is when it is pressed against another diamond.

How Do You Take Care of Your Diamonds?

While this stone may not get scratched easily, there are several things that can dull its shine. To ensure the longevity of your diamond accessories, we highly recommend following the care tips mentioned below…

  1. Pay attention to storage: To prevent this jewel from scratching other softer gemstones or getting scratched by other diamonds, we recommend placing it in a soft velvet pouch or a felt-lined case, away from your other accessories.
  2. Keep away from chemicals: As a rule of thumb, keep your diamond accessories away from harsh chemicals that might be present in everyday items, such as sanitizers, household cleaners, hairsprays, etc.
  3. Protect from chlorine: The chlorine present in swimming pools could ruin the shine and polish of your diamond jewelry. So it’s best left at home.
  4. Clean it the right way: If you’re looking for an easy DIY solution, then dip your diamond accessory in an ultra-mild soap-water solution for a few seconds. Remember to use room temperature water. Once the piece is sufficiently coated with the solution, gently clean the accessory with a soft piece of cloth. Pay special attention to the edges and corners of the piece as that’s where most of the dirt tends to get accumulated. Follow this by placing the diamond under running water to wash away the soap. Wipe clean the excess water with a lint-free cloth and let the jewelry dry naturally.
  5. Take it to a professional: Trust us when we say that getting your diamond jewelry professionally cleaned is worth the money. The professional can also fix other issues, such as a loose setting, if required.

As seen throughout this article, the diamond is truly a robust jewel. And when treated with love and care, this gemstone is sure to last through generations.

Also read: Do Tanzanites Chip Easily?

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